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Ministry in Pakistan

Surprisingly, the Christian Faith is growing rapidly there, but they are without resources to disciple the new Christ-followers.

I wrote some prayers for them, and the prayers were translated for the people by the three evangelists I have partnered with in Pakistan-a father and his two sons. We have held several prayer meetings via the internet; many have been saved and healed from various diseases. The evangelists also run an orphanage, which DVM has adopted. We have built a water well to provide the children with clean water. We have also provided funds for food, rent, and utilities. We hosted a big Christmas program for the children, and also for the local slave families. A new project we are currently working on is to help free some families that have been enslaved for 3-4 generations. We are currently praying for direction and funding from the Lord to continue the work in Pakistan. The evangelists there are requesting an in-person visit from me. Hopefully soon, the Lord willing, I will be able to go on that mission.

Do you know about the persecution of Christians in Pakistan? 90% of Christians are slaves in Pakistan on brick kilns. On every brick Kiln, 25 to 30 Christian families are slaves from generation to generation and because Christians are poor in Pakistan. Just imagine each family having 5 to 6 children where millions of Christians are suffering. NO FOOD, NO CLEAN WATER, and many suffering from different diseases. Thousands of children in bondage are dying every day.


Rescue Mission in Pakistan

Christian Church Planted in Pakistan

As an outreach, we would go into the community and bless others with an encouraging word, prayer, and gift baskets. At times, we had collected money to give away as we were led. The most memorable testimony of this outreach happened like this: We had stopped at a park and approached a couple we saw sitting at the picnic tables. We shared the Word with them-they accepted Jesus into their hearts and we prayed for them as we closed. As we were leaving, the Lord reminded me that we had some money to give away. We went back and handed them the envelope. When they opened it and realized we had blessed them with money, they started sobbing. They were crying so hard we couldn't understand what they were saying!  Once they had calmed down, they told us the reason they were at the park was because they had received an eviction notice on their door. They needed to come up with at least one month's rent. The amount of money we had given them was the exact dollar amount they needed! Praise God!

The amount of money we had given them was the exact dollar amount they needed!

Eight years ago, some former pastors of ours invited me to speak at a women's conference in Lima, Peru. Our family had attended their church in Arkansas when we lived there. They had been going to Lima for over 25 years. Since my first trip, they have invited me to go every year.

Doors opened for me in Accra, Ghana, as well.

I spoke at a conference held at a university there. The conference was attended mostly by millennials. While there for the conference, I was taken to a local orphanage. We threw a party for the children to celebrate them, and gifted them with some necessities. God also opened doors for me to preach at one of their women's prisons. We provided the women with some necessities as well, like feminine hygiene products. Here in America, we take such things for granted.

Shoe donation in Pakistan

Before our first women’s gathering at the church, the women removed their shoes prior to entering the sanctuary. Evangelist Sher noticed the poor condition of the shoes, especially the widows’. That observation prompted us to make the decision to purchase shoes for the women and bless them at Christmas. They were overcome with gratitude, and cried tears of joy. We can’t thank the Partners enough for making this possible! This is written in the Great Book of Heaven. Hallelujah!