From an early age, I searched for love in all the wrong places-until I surrendered my life to the Lord and began to build my relationship with Papa God! He filled the emptiness inside me, and since then I have not had to pursue temporary satisfactions. He changed me with His unconditional love, pulled me out of the pit of sin and death! I'm forever changed! I'm transformed into His likeness and He adores me!

God created man in His own image. In the image of God, He created us. I struggled with identity; my identity was formed and shaped through my life experiences and my culture. The world saw me and defined me through those lenses. At the age of 5, I was instructed by my parents to say that I was from El Paso, Texas (meaning an American) if I was ever asked. As I got older, I grew ashamed and embarrassed once I knew the truth regarding where I was from...

I gained my new identity when I read the words of the Apostle Paul addressing the church in Ephesus, explaining the new identity given to us when we are in Christ Jesus:

We have been chosen, adopted, redeemed, forgiven, stamped, and sealed! Grace saved and transformed me, along with His unconditional love and acceptance. Even later in my walk with the  Lord, I found myself lost on a sinful path. I had preached so much about His grace, but it wasn't until I had to walk out my own grace that I truly understood the POWER of His grace and the POWER of knowing that my identity in Him never changed. I was the same daughter of the Most High God before my fall, during my fall, and after my repentance. As believers, it's our duty to share our testimony with others to offer the same hope and freedom Jesus Christ gave us over 2000 years ago! There is POWER in our identity based on how God sees us.

That’s the “why” for the Identity Divine retreat. ID retreats host two retreats yearly, one at a distance and one within driving distance. These retreats facilitate relationships within the group and with our Lord and Savior by providing an atmosphere of fun, while also one intense teaching and reflection. Lives are changed by the revelation that occurs at these retreats. Guest speakers immerse themselves with the group by sharing housing, meals, and activities. This allows them to get to know the women so that they are able to minister to them individually. Retreats are open to a limited number of ladies, providing a uniquely personal experience.

-Diana Velasquez

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Past Retreats

To engage, empower and educate women and their families by Christian faith base.

We have two retreats a year, one of the retreat’s we travel to either New Mexico or Colorado. (Beautiful scenery of the mountains.) The other retreat is at a greater distance, where flights are booked, our first long-distance retreat was in Orlando Florida.

Our retreats are small in capacity, set up very intimate, the reason why registration fills up very quickly. We have a night of worship, powerful workshops in place, and lead by myself and a special speaker, also have an outing on the itinerary. (Great fun!)

There have been many lives transformed, healed, delivered, and set up to a more meaningful walk with our Heavenly Father. Not to be short and leave out the amazing new relationships that were built, not a new friendship but a tribe.

Stay tuned for our next one scheduled.

There are so many positive things I can say about Diana Velasquez Ministries. First of all, the visionary Diana Velasquez is truly called by God to empower others, especially women and families. Diana’s humble, down-to-earth approach to sharing the “Good News” has been a catalyst to bringing many into a deeper relationship with God and knowing their true identity in Him. Through her example Diana, has shown those she encounters that they can live a rich and fulfilling life through Christ Jesus.

As an extension of God’s love, Diana Velasquez Ministries is helping people around the globe by bringing salvation, reconciliation, healing and transformation. Having experienced an Identity Divine Women’s Retreat firsthand, I know the high level of love and care that goes into all the ministry strives to accomplish. As an ally and partner to the ministry, I believe in the vision and mission and know it will continue to impact lives throughout the world.

Minister, Author, Certified Life Coach
Empowerment Spearker


It’s better to give than to receive
- Act 20:35

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